Thursday 30 August 2012

Day Zero

It is the day before I run. 

Calling this the Apocalypse Project is a bit of tongue-in-cheek. Sort of. 

While I don't actually believe there is some great and terrible disaster set to occur; no global cataclysm to shatter the world and bring ruin to the lives of billions; no series of lesser calamities that will culminate into some great tragedy of the human condition. And while I certainly don’t believe in zombies; I do believe it would be foolish to assume nothing bad could ever happen. If something bad does happen; be it earthquake, flood, heck even these solar flares they’re predicting – I want to be able to provide, to survive and to protect.

So, to this end it is time to push myself farther than I have before. Time to train, time to prepare. Time to man up and take my future into my own hands. I’ve tried this before; the drive faded.

It is the day before I run. 

This time will be different. This time I have help. 

Overview of Day 1 Run

1 comment:

  1. You are gonna stomp that apocalypse into the ground when it happens and it will be all because you had THE best helper ever. Ever.
